Refund/Cancellation Policy

Order Confirmation and Changes:

Upon placing an order, we will contact you for confirmation. Any cancellations or changes can be made during this confirmation call. Once the confirmation call is completed, your order will be processed and cannot be canceled thereafter. For any post-confirmation modifications, please contact us via WhatsApp or Instagram.


Note: Refunds are only applicable for damaged products.


If you receive a damaged product, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. To initiate a refund, follow these steps:


Capture pictures and a video of the damaged product.

Email the visuals to

We will review the evidence provided and, if approved, proceed with the refund. Please be aware that refunds are exclusively issued for damaged items, not for issues related to size, quality, or color. We emphasize transparency by providing comprehensive product details in the description. Customers are advised to read all information before placing an order.

Customer Responsibility:

As per consumer court guidelines, customers are expected to thoroughly read product information before ordering. Complaints based on inadequate information will be rejected, and false allegations may result in actions taken by the company against the customer.

Refund Process:

If your refund is approved, it will be processed and applied to your original payment method within 5 working days.


Empty Parcel Received:

All orders undergo weighing before dispatch to prevent empty parcels. Falsely claiming an empty package to obtain a refund or replacement will result in rejection of such requests.


Late or Missing Refunds:

If a refund is delayed or not received, please follow these steps:


Check your bank account.

Contact your credit card company.

Contact your bank.

If the issue persists, email us at Please note that there may be processing delays beyond our control

Thank you for understanding our cancellation and refund policies. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us.

How to Track / Cancel order

if you want any changes in your order your or you can get your tracking id Or you want to cancel your order you can contact us on Instagram for cancelation or you can contact us on WhatsApp
